Postgrad RA opportunity: book endnotes

A History graduate is required to help a non-academic author standardise the references of a scholarly work that is likely to be published in 2019. The book is a biography of a public servant whose career connected public health and Aboriginal advancement.

There are about 900 endnotes in the current draft. Many are to items in the National Archives of Australia, but a substantial minority are to items held in a private collection of my subject’s papers. In order to standardise my references, I need to identify which items in this private collection are also in the Archives of the Commonwealth government (in record series concerning Health, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Territory Administration).

This task will be best performed by a History graduate who has experience in using Commonwealth records in the National Archives of Australia. As not all relevant NAA items will be available in digital form, much of the work will have to be done in Canberra. I would like this task to be completed by the end of November. The standard hourly rate will apply.

Please reply to and include a brief statement of your research experience and (if you are a Higher Degree student) the name of your current academic supervisor.

All applications will be acknowledged.